Box art being cut out at the bottom in Big Box on 2 of the views

Issue #6009 resolved
MazeGuardian created an issue

In 2 of the views in Big Box using the default theme the front cover art is being cut out at the bottom. The 2 views are shown in these screenshots with the Box art being cut out.

View 1

View 2

Platform View

Wall View 1

Comments (8)

  1. Christian

    What version of Big Box are you using? Also could you attach the artwork as well so I can kind of get an idea how MUCH is being cut off?

  2. MazeGuardian reporter

    Hi, I’m using LaunchBox 11.10,

    I tried uploading the Box Art but can’t because it says the file is too large to upload, But I’m using the Box Art from the North America Box Art folder downloaded from the LaunchBox Games Database from within LaunchBox,

    I also noticed this issues also appears on all the platform views that show recent and favorite games will edit the post to show a screenshot of one of the platform views, but problem seems to appear on all of them.

  3. MazeGuardian reporter

    The Super Mario Bros 3. Box Art used I uploaded on the LaunchBox forums on the first page of the 11.10 beta testing thread, might be helpful to see how much is being cut out.

  4. MazeGuardian reporter

    Hi just checked the wall view 1 and it does not have the problem, will edit the post to show the screeenshot.

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