Launchbox Beta 11.11 Beta 2 error (crashed after importing media from LB and EmuMovies)

Issue #6037 invalid
Rod Wilkins created an issue

Was downloading metadata and movies from LB Database and Emumovies, it was in the ‘Finishing Up’ stage and generated this error.

Comments (4)

  1. Jason Carr repo owner

    Hi Rod, sorry for the trouble. Usually this error means that you’re running out of RAM or some sort of other resource. How much RAM do you have in the system? Can you share your other system specs?

  2. Rod Wilkins reporter

    Thanks Jason, admittedly I’m doing this on a VM with 8GB ram 2 cpu cores and 80GB disk, could that be a problem? (Don’t recall it being an issue before in my testing)…

  3. Jason Carr repo owner

    I see, interesting. So honestly, this is more of a Windows or a .NET bug; there’s not likely much we can do to fix things in this situation, other than to try and make LaunchBox use less resources, which we do focus on from time to time. Yes, it’s possible that it could be related to using the VM. You might try adding more RAM to the VM; that’s likely the culprit here, but I can’t say for sure. I’ll go ahead and close out this ticket for now though.

    Regardless, it’s probably not going to be a common issue that you’ll run into (probably more of a one-off type of thing).

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