Old BigBox Bug: favorite icon doesn't always get saved and causes other unwanted side effects

Issue #6048 open
Kurzih created an issue

This is a bug that has always been present for me since I’ve started using Launchbox/BigBox since 2017.

Within that period of time I have bought a brand new high-end computer and installed every software I had from scratch. The bug still remains, so I doubt it is an outside source, but with windows you can never be sure. I’m using Windows 10 64-bit and a (USB) XBOX360 Controller with BigBox. I currently have around 67.000+ entries in Launchbox.

How I get the bug every time:

  1. Go to any gamelist in BigBox of games that are in the alphabetical list.
  2. Start favoriting games, I hear a sound “click” when I press the favorite option and the favorite icon appears normally where it should in the game page.
  3. After around 2-6 games here what happens:
  4. I hear the sound “click” when I press on the “favorite” option but the favorite icon doesn’t appear.
  5. when I click again the icon appears, but if I go back to the platform list out of the gamelist page and then go back to the game page, the icon is not there anymore, looks like it wasn’t saved even if it was displayed).

What happens (other side effects) after the bug is activated:

When I continue in the gamelist and open game covers in full screen at some point it will open a previous’s game’s cover instead of the current one.

Note: if I go back to the platform list and then again to the gamelist the bug/side effects doesn’t occur until favoriting again. So it kind of “resets” the situation by going out of the gamelist.

I haven’t reported this bug previously in detail because it is very complicated to explain. I have made a video where you can clearly hear the click sound + icon appearing as it should and then hearing the sound with nothing happening.

Let me know if there is any additional information you need for troubleshooting this. It’s been a very annoying thing when going through long lists of games and trying to add favorites in within BigBox. Hopefully you can find the culprit!

Comments (5)

  1. Kurzih reporter

    Quick update: confirming that the bug still exists after version 11.12 - Released June 14, 2021.

    I thought this might have been related, but I’m afraid it looks like it didn’t make any difference:
    “Fixed: Potential error in Big Box when switching view types and then navigating too quickly”

  2. Christian

    Thanks for checking up on the ticket. This has been resolved in the current beta release. Would it be possible for you to opt-in to the beta and let us know if it doesn’t resolve this issue? To opt in open up LaunchBox and go to Tools > Options > Updates and should be the last option

  3. Kurzih reporter
    • changed status to open

    Sorry, same bug still present with the latest beta.

    Update: recent updates have actually made this bug even more occurring. Could you please check?

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