Specify Temp Directory In LaunchBox

Issue #605 new
Riffman1981 . created an issue

Now that LaunchBox has support for compressed ROM files, I'm wondering if it would be possible in a future build to have the user specify a temp directory and also specify to either delete or keep extracted items within that directory? Maybe it could be setup on a per platform/emulator basis? The reason I ask is because the games I play the most I'd like to leave extracted. Ultimately, this will save on write/rewrites to the HDD.

This could also be useful if you have LaunchBox on an external HDD but your games on an internal drive since internal drives are faster (internal but not your OS Drive, the OS eats most of the read and write cycles so speeds are lowered here) but specifying an internal location for the temp folder can also increase performance too when unzipping the games on the fly.

Comments (6)

  1. Robert Taylor

    Implement a RAM drive for "small roms" like around 128MB or less and make it user settable. I got a 16GB machine which I could Ram drive PS2 or Wii Games if I wanted. I have my installation on a SSD with many gold age platforms on the SSD due to their smaller size. I do not want unwanted read/writes to the SSD for the one off emulator on a classic system that does not support 7z.

    Finally, allow users to toggle between RAM drive or local temp storage or in place where RAM is used for all games of size less than the user defined size or default size and an option to fall back to a temp dir or permanent storage in the respective rom directory for all games exceeding the specified limit for the Ram drive.

    Not to mention, the RAM drive ought to speed performance for emulators while saving I/O process on SSDs.

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    I managed to use my RAM disk as the temp folder for 7z extraction creating a symbolic link with the "mklink /J" command.

    But it would be useful to have the option to choose the temp directory in LaunchBox.

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