Big box not working

Issue #6065 resolved
Michael Hans created an issue

I'm having a directory problem on a my local drive with BigBox after updating from version 11 to 11.10.

When I open Bigbox I get the following error message, it repeats endlessly and will not load any themes, it will also display a Similar error for thumbnail preview, default wheel view and so on. It dose this for all themes with in Big Box.

If I move my Lauchbox install folder 2 directories back from "E:\Emulators & Roms\1 Front end\LaunchBox" to "E:\LaunchBox" BigBox works! So I assume its a directory problem.

I have been using the same folder structure for launchbox for about 5 years with no problem until now updating recently.

Comments (2)

  1. Christian

    This error typically is caused by a bad XAML file in the theme. Can you rename your BigBoxSettings.xml file to OLD_BigBoxSettings.xml and start Big Box and let me know if on start up you have the same issue? This will let me know if the default theme is working or not and we can go from there.

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