Ability to sort by Favorite while still maintaining a complete list with all games

Issue #6074 new
ManuelL created an issue

While I think it’s very useful to have a favorite list that I can use to play my favorite games while not having to sift through the entire collection, I’d like to have the ability to also view these favorited games in the overall list. This is because some of those that are in my favorites are also part of a series, and as such, it would also be great to view them all lined up in their own place in the overall list.
This is merely a quality of life request, but one that would really help me not only to view my favourite games, but also to view the complete collection without having to change the Arrangement. Bear in mind I don’t wish for the current functionality to be changed, only to have an option for how I’m filtering the games.

Comments (3)

  1. Christian

    Not sure I entirely follow. Are you referring to Big Box or LaunchBox? What view (if Big Box) or arrange by (if LaunchBox) setting are you using that you are seeing this issue in?

  2. Retro808

    Not to sure exactly what you mean as Christian stated. You say lined up in their own place. Do you mean alphabetically?

    Any game you favorite can be viewed in the overall list. When you favorite a game BB has a setting to either make those favorites appear at the top of your game list or if you uncheck the option it will leave them in the game list as they normally appear alphabetically.

    In BigBox settings >Options >Views …Look for the option labeled “Show Favorited Games First”. With that unchecked the favorited games show in normal alphabetic appearance in your game lists.

  3. ManuelL reporter

    I'm not sure how I can explain this further... You mentioned the view where you can see the favourites at the top, that's the view I'm mentioning. It's a good view, but it moves all your favourites to the top, and removes them from the rest of the view. What I'd like was to have a view where I see the favourite at the top, but also view all the games (including the favourites) below. This way I could have a unified view where I see favourites, but also a complete list of games in that category. 
    Maybe this screenshot can help explain it:

    You can see that Crysis shows up in my Favorites above, but I'd like for it to also show up below. So instead of having a view that filters ‘Favorite: Yes' and ‘Favorite: No', I'd like to have a view that shows ‘Favorites' and ‘All'.

    In fact, I tested this with Big Box, and the same behaviour happens. For example, say I have a bunch of Final Fantasy games, but only FF VI is in my favorites. I can have the favorites at the start, but then if I use the letter search to find ‘F’, FFVI won’t be there. And unless I remember that it’s part of my favorites, I won’t find it. This is a simple example, but you see how bad it can be with large libraries.
    Ideally, I would like to be able to filter by favorites (the letter search includes a favorites filter, but to see the favorites at the start and the rest right after), but also see the games in their corresponding order in the list.

    I hope this helps to clarify a bit better.

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