mouse buttons

Issue #6077 resolved
Richard Myler created an issue

I run Big Box on a windows 10 computer without a keyboard using the X-Arcade tank stick. The mb0 and the mb1 have always mirrored the Select and Back keys. After updating to v11.11, I am no longer able to Select with mb0 on the first screen of Big Box. mb1 still mirrors Back. All other screens appear to be working as they always have. The problem only exists on the opening screen; Platform View. Being unable to select a platform makes Big Box effectively unusable. A workaround is to connect a keyboard to be able to press Enter and disconnect it while playing until I want to select a different platform. But, that really defeats the purpose of using a frontend. Thank you for looking into this.

Comments (10)

  1. Christian

    What theme/view are you experiencing this with? Also can you confirm in Big Box Options > Mouse that you have “Enable Mouse” (first item) checked?

  2. Christian

    So is your tank stick emulating a mouse or are you using an actual mouse? I cannot seem to replicate on my end so trying to get as much information as I can.

  3. Richard Myler reporter

    Christian, I noticed that previously I received an email from you only after I pasted my email response on the bitbucket incident ticket. I would like to know whether or not you're receiving my emails but in the case that you are not I will paste the last reply on the ticket.  This is certainly taking a lot longer than I anticipated. I began on the Forum and then came here. Would you also please let me know if there is another place I should have gone for help. Thank you

    Previous response:
    Fri, May 21, 2021, 3:16 PM
    ”While waiting for my turn to come up, I started to worry that nobody else has reported this problem. The computer is only used for the arcade and the only changes that have been made were the upgrade to the latest version of Launchbox and possibly a Windows 10 update. There is no emulation layer. The tankstick connects directly to computer as a standard keyboard and the trackball as a standard mouse. The trackball triggers are the mb0/mb1 and work every where, in all programs and windows functions, except the first page of Big Box. I tried a couple of other themes with the same results. The only new info I can offer is that I was able to get the mouse buttons to function as they always used to when I changed from platform view to text view.”

  4. Christian

    I have not received any emails from you Richard, the best way to respond to any comments on the ticket is by adding a comment yourself. I’m unsure if Bitbucket has a way for you to email the comment or not.

    I’ve not been able to replicate the issue with my mouse which is why I asked what I did. I will review the settings again and make sure there isn’t something else potentially interfering. In the meantime would it be possible for you to throw your \\LaunchBox\Data\ folder into a zip file and attach it to this ticket? That way while I’m looking through possible setting offenders I can quickly check what your settings are so I can rule out or in anything I find.

  5. Richard Myler reporter
      <div class="preview-container wiki-content"><!-- loaded via ajax --></div>
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  6. Richard Myler reporter

    Thank you for your willingness to help. I guess that bitbucket was forwarding your responses to my email but not allowing my responses in return. When that's the case I'm used to seeing a “do not reply to this email” quote somewhere but I never noticed one. I have attached a zip file of the data directory. Please let me know if there's anything else that I can provide that will help you as as you try to assist me. When I replied to your mouse question I was out of state and did not have access to the arcade computer so I was working from memory. If there's anything I need to clarify or expand just let me know.

  7. Christian

    Thanks for the report Richard. I believe I have found the source to your issue and have code in place to correct it. Once I know when it will be released I will update the ticket and let you know.

  8. Christian

    Code change should be in the 11.12 beta 5 release. I am resolving ticket for now but if that release does not fix your issue please comment on this ticket and let me know and I will reopen the ticket.

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