Filters Horizontal View Bug

Issue #6080 new
Abdulla Ameen created an issue

Certain views do not work with game list filters, ie. going to “View All Games” or “View Developers”.

Tested views that are buggy with filters:

Default theme: Horizontal Boxes with Details

LV-101 theme: Horizontal Wheel Games 2 View

AllNightLong theme: Horizontal Wheel 2 Games View

When using one of these views with “View All Games”, only one box will load and the user will not be able to scroll through all games. Attached a video of the bug with the Default theme.

This always occurs in v11.11. To reproduce, simply use the Default theme with “Horizontal Boxes with Details” as the default game list view, then go to “View All Games” in the options.

Comments (3)

  1. Christian

    I’m not able to produce the error you are showing. Can you throw your data folder into a zip file and attach it to this ticket. Curious if something in those files may be causing the issue you’re seeing.

  2. Abdulla Ameen reporter

    I believe this is related to themes created with the Community Theme Creator and the Horizontal Wheel, and only when using filters such as View All Games.

    Try it with the LV-101 theme and Horizontal Wheel Games 2 View in v11.11, then go to a filter such as View All Games.

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