Videos are not downloaded in large batch numbers

Issue #6096 resolved
Stranded 2020 created an issue

Hello team,

I re-downloaded LaunchBox and installed it again after formatting my PC. I noticed that I didn’t obtain any videos for MAME after scraping my full romset. Testing a bit I noticed that if you download the videos (from emu movies) one item at a time, the scraper works. I also noticed that if I select just a few items I’m able to get the videos. However, if I select the whole set of games that are missing videos, then the scraper does not download them.

I tested this with beta 11.12-beta-1 after seeing I was not able to obtain videos with the latest 11.11 stable version.

I’m using Windows 10 20H2 and I can recreate this at will by following the above steps.

Thank you!

Comments (5)

  1. Christian

    Can you turn on debug logging and then try this and attach the log it generates? May have information in there that could help narrow down what is happening.

  2. Stranded 2020 reporter

    Hello. I’m attaching sample logs, one where I selected my Arcade set, did CTRL+A to select all, and then used “Tools/Download Metadata and Media” and just tried to download Emu Movies videos for the games. No video was downloaded. This is the “Debug 2021-05-22 05-04-34 PM.log” log.

    The other log is “Debug 2021-05-22 05-06-09 PM.log”, where I just selected the first three games from the Arcade set and did the same procedure as above. Videos were downloaded this time.

    When I imported the whole sets no video was downloaded, only pictures.

    Thank you!

  3. Christian

    Thanks for those logs, they were immensely helpful. I have a code correction in place that will be in the 11.12 beta-3 release that should resolve this.

  4. Christian

    Marking resolved but once the beta releases if you still find you are having the issue please update the ticket and let us know.

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