Reduce Beta games priority

Issue #6122 resolved
Abdulla Al-Mutawa created an issue

Whenever I run a game, the rom with (Beta) in it will be prioritized, I have to manually fix this for every game, an automatic feature is a must, and this severly decreases the enjoyment of LaunchBox.

Comments (9)

  1. Retro808

    What version Launchbox are you using? Release 11.3 added improvements to ROM prioritization routines to try and avoid this.

  2. Abdulla Al-Mutawa reporter

    11.12 Beta-6
    It’s also prioritizing Kiosk demons and Wiiware versions etc..

    Priorities that didn’t work:
    Legend of Zelda, The - The Minish Cap (USA) (Demo) (Kiosk)
    Mario & Luigi - Superstar Saga (USA) (Demo) (Kiosk)

    Legend of Zelda, The - Ocarina of Time - Master Quest (USA) (Debug) (GameCube)
    Donkey Kong 64 (USA) (Demo) (Kiosk)

    Atari Jaguar:
    Rayman (World) (Beta 1)

    Bonkers Wax Up! (USA, Europe) (Beta) (1994-10-31)

    Bonkers (USA, Europe) (Beta) (1994-03-28)

    Priorities that worked:

    Legend of Zelda, The - A Link to the Past (USA) > (Prioritized over many various versions)

    Ristar ~ Ristar - The Shooting Star (World).zip > (Prioritized over Betas)

    I don’t mind testing/helping out more.

  3. Retro808

    Abdulla not sure when we will have something on this. I did mention it to our devs and it is on the radar. So just posting an update.

  4. Abdulla Al-Mutawa reporter

    I can’t expect people to be dedicated to working on what bothers me, my main point was to report it, and hopefully have it fixed eventually. So thank you for support.

  5. Christian

    Thanks for the report, I adjust some of the ROM prioritization logic to help with this. The changes will be in next release. You may still run into problems with ROMs that have “(Beta 1)” (or any other numeral) in them. The rest should prioritize correctly though with the changes put in place.

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