Feature request - Remove from Playlist

Issue #6124 new
Nick G created an issue

Dear Launchbox Devs,

I am currently in the process of trying to organise what is becoming a rather large and unwieldy collection of games in Launchbox. In order to keep track which games/ROMs I have and haven’t checked, I created a playlist of all of the unchecked games, with the intent of removing games from the list once I have verified that they are working and have the correct metadata. However, I have found that there is no easy way to remove a game from the playlist. Instead I have to edit the playlist itself. If it is possible to do so, may I suggest that you add a “Remove from Playlist” option when you right-click a game? This would make it much easier to manage playlists. It’s not critical to the functioning of Launchbox, but it would make my life (and possibly the lives of others) a little easier. Thanks for your time.

Kind regards,

Nick Gellatly.

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