Feature Request - Force player number assignment to controllers

Issue #6134 new
Barry Hardt created an issue

Requested Feature:

It would be great to be able to tell LaunchBox to assign which controllers are for which player universally across all platforms, including Windows games. I feel this could possibly be added to the new Controller Management tool just introduced in the latest update. There are Windows 10 games like, Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World for example, which offer zero control customization and so my friends and I are stuck with our order at the control panel being different from what the game sees.

What could be even better is on top of this to have the ability to change the player to controller assignment on individual games. So with two player games on a four player control panel you can assign the middle two positions to be players 1 and 2 and the outer positions are null, but on four player games keep the controllers in order of 1,2,3,4.

Use Case:

I am using BigBox on a home built 4-player arcade control panel. Each player is using their own USB joystick encoder. Windows 10 for some reason doesn’t seem to care what order you plug joysticks in or where they are plugged in, it will always randomly assign a player number to a joy stick and I have not been able to find any method to force Windows 10 to always see the joysticks in the same order. This also means every time I restart Windows with the four controllers plugged in, the controller order gets randomized.

Thank you for reading my suggestion.

Comments (2)

  1. Christian

    As a work around while waiting for this feature request I would suggest looking into an application known as x360ce. It has options in there to help with controller ordering and changing inputs. May give you some relief while you wait for anything official from LaunchBox.

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