Changing Media priorities does not take affect in existing LB view.

Issue #6141 new
mark007 created an issue

For missing artwork, I was experimenting with changing the launchbox Media priorities and for "3D Box Priorities" I had been adding "Box - Front" and "Fanart - Box - Front" as second and third priorities by ticking their checkboxes. When hitting "OK" in the Launchbox options, the current view doesn't seem to update/refresh with the changes. It takes a few clicks around the UI for it to eventually take effect it seems.

I am aware that I can manually trigger a cache refresh, but after performing the steps above, I cannot see any image cache being rebuilt so the update does not trigger automatically if I leave the LB UI on that same window. I assume manually triggering a cache refresh shouldn’t be needed, so this is why I logged this as a bug.

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