Feature Request: Add option to base attract mode spin to snap video playback

Issue #6150 new
Wade McMurrain created an issue



I see in the BigBox options where you can set a certain duration (number of seconds / minutes) between each random spin during attract mode, but I was wondering if there is any way to set it to spin after the snap video fully plays through to completion (or plays through x number of times), instead of a set amount of time?   Some of my snap videos are much longer than others, and I'd like to have some of them consistently play through from start to finish if possible, instead of cutting off after x seconds.


Giving this some thought - as part of the file metadata that windows can display in explorer, there is a column ‘Length’ that can be viewed for video files, that has the video duration.

If this value can be scraped from windows, it could be used to set the attract mode delay whenever a video file is loaded for playback. Given that BigBox is using .net, and is also using xml-based config files, though, I’m not sure if simply writing a new value for <AttractModeDelay> to bigboxsettings.xml would be viable, though - it depends if the configuration is (or can be) checked / loaded before each spin, or if the config is only loaded when the application is launched.

I tried to script this functionality together using simple batch files, and have it determine what the currently selected game was, then pull this length value for the video for the currently selected game and write it to a text file, then read the length value from the text file and set a timeout in the script based on the value in seconds of the video, and then once that period of time had elapsed, to output a keystroke (via an AHK script) that I had mapped in BigBox to ‘start attract mode’ It was very kludged together, and it did kinda work, but not well enough or consistently enough for long-term usage.

Aside from a couple of college classes I took many, many years ago, I don’t have any practical development experience, though I do like to tinker and wouldn’t be adverse to learning… So if this functionality could be added via a plugin (and if someone from the ‘actual real developers’ crowd could confirm that), I’m happy to try and teach myself enough C# to write something on my own, if that would be preferable to having this functionality added to BigBox itself - just need to know if it’s possible via the plugin API.

Thank you for your consideration.

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