Bug found since version prior to the 2 Beta updates (11.12)

Issue #6171 new
Rex Williamson created an issue

LaunchBox Version 11.13-beta-2
Edition Windows 10 Home 64 Bit
Version 21H1
Installed on ‎04/‎07/‎2021
OS build 19043.1081
Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.3530.0

Currently there is a bug with the “Clean Up Media” tool. It incorrectly labels every image I download from EmuMovies (Via Download Media Button in LaunchBox) as “Not in Use” and when I select remove images, they no longer appear in game details because they were mislabeled and removed on false pretenses.

Comments (28)

  1. Christian

    Hello Rex, “Not in Use” generally means that those items would never get selected in the LaunchBox / Big Box UI because of the region of the image or you have an image of a type that is prioritized higher than the image the tool located. Can you confirm is either case is what is causing the files you are seeing scanned to be thrown in the list?

  2. Rex Williamson reporter

    Hello Christian,
    It is every image I choose to keep that is automatically downloaded from EmuMovies during the import ROM Option. Almost everything is default settings except I use a custom platform name.

    Also I just updated to LaunchBox Version 11.13-beta-3, so I will update this after I try importing a new ROM.

  3. Rex Williamson reporter

    Still happening on importing new ROM, allowed it to download all images from LaunchBox and EmuMovies, and all images from EmuMovies still are mislabeled as not in use - they show in Edit Game details, if I run Clean Up Media tool, remove files it claims are not in use all of the EmuMovies pictures get deleted.

    I am sorry I do not understand what you mean about prioritized type of image, please explain and I will check. I am using the free license for now, so if you mean under tools, options, media - box front priorities, etc. = I cannot change any of those as I currently do not have a premium account license

  4. Christian

    That was the setting I was referring to. Do you have a game in question that you still have the media assigned that the Clean Up media tool is incorrectly finding entries for? If so could you open the game and tell me the game title? Also could you tell me what images the game does already have assigned to it in the Add/Edit screen?

  5. Rex Williamson reporter

    Anybody have any idea on this? As mentioned above, every image from Emumovies shows up in the Clean Up Media tool as “File Not in use” (See Pic above) but they are used and wanted.

    Updating to version 11.16-beta-1 and will respond back if it still happens.

  6. Retro808

    I would suggest supplying the information Christian asked for in the post just before your last one. Looks like he wants some more data to try and drill down the issue.

  7. Rex Williamson reporter

    Still happening in 11.16-beta-1. Attached is another screenshot of it still happening. This was a new imported ROM 5 minutes ago.

  8. Christian

    Could you attach your Settings.xml file please. I’d like to review your image priority options to see if they are playing a factor in what you are seeing.

  9. Christian

    Thanks, I received the data, but deleted as it had GOG username and didn’t want that readily available.

  10. Christian

    Could you tell me what images you have imported for Code Name: Viper? Would help me confirm what I’m trying to narrow down for you.

  11. Christian

    Also would it be possible for you to go to the Edit Emulator window for your NES platform and take a picture similar to this (Alt+Print Screen captures just that window) and paste it on the ticket, want to see what folders your images are set to. Image similar to this:

  12. Rex Williamson reporter

    I import the rom, download everything from both LaunchBox and EmuMovies. Run the cleanup tool and it marks everything from EmuMovies as “File not in use” - even though it is showing in game detail screen and being used. If I remove any of the files in the clean up media tool, it removes it from the game details

  13. Christian

    Also are you running the cleanup media tool immediately after import when you see these results? If so could you tell me if you see them again after closing and reopening LaunchBox? I’m curious if maybe the tool just isn’t seeing the new game data before running.

  14. Rex Williamson reporter

    Anytime I run the Cleanup Media Tool it does this, whether immediately after import or days later it still thinks everything from EmuMovies is “File Not in use”

  15. Rex Williamson reporter

    Still happening in Beta 2.

    Thanks Christian for looking into this. I promise you my replies aren't meant to be taken as rude, I am just a perfectionist and have to have everything fixed.

  16. Christian

    Yeah, still working through the issue with ya trying to be able to replicate it so I CAN fix it, so the new versions won’t have any corrections for you yet unfortunately. Are you able to tell me what images Code Name: Viper show as having in the Edit Game screen? It would help narrow down the code quite a bit.

  17. Rex Williamson reporter

    I removed in the edit game - images section, the duplicates, and the blurry images and am only left with one image it says “File not in use” on the Cleanup media tool.

    So the only one left now is - N:\LaunchBox\Images\NES\Screenshot - Gameplay\Code Name_ Viper-01.png

  18. Christian

    I believe that is why that file is being marked “Not in use”. Whenever LaunchBox goes to fetch a screenshot it goes by priority order, because it has Game Title screenshot that will ALWAYS be returned and so the Gameplay screenshot is never grabbed. I realize that screenshots are a slightly different beast in regard to that logic though then other images so will leave the ticket open because we may want to skip that part of the cleanup logic for that image group.

  19. Rex Williamson reporter

    Thanks for all your help Christian, it is greatly appreciated. I will just try to remember not to ever use the Clean Up Media tool, until it hopefully gets fixed. Hope this doesn't get buried and ignored months down the road.

    Would this issue be resolved in the licensed version as you mentioned earlier the image priority, which can be changed in paid version…. Or is this based on the tool’s priority either way. - Just asking because I’m curious.. And I am saving up for the license (Sadly currently on a fixed income)

    Thanks again Christian, sincerely.

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