Launchbox 11.12 Download Metadata and Media bug

Issue #6198 new
launchretrogirl2562 created an issue

Launchbox 11.12
Windows 10
Issue occurs every time when using the download metadata and media
The bug I already posted on the troubleshooting forum
Steps to reproduce are also described there:
No error. Just a bug and a big nuisance cause I cannot update my entire library anymore from fearing I have to change all media again.

Comments (1)

  1. brian

    Hi @launchretrogirl2562 ,

    based on what I read on the forums, the option you are using is working as intended. It is keeping your metadata and media, but downloading new media. So, what you are seeing is that it adds a second clear logo for all games you selected, but keeps your first clear logo intact.

    Another tool you can use to accomplish more of what I think you are going for is using the Audit Tool. With this tool you can identify which games you are missing clear logos for, select only those ones and then run the Download Metadata/Media tool.

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