Menu/Title Bar display issues

Issue #6213 new
Ben Burris created an issue

Launchbox Version 11.14
Windows 10/11 (Same issue before on 10 and now on 11)
I have two monitors, at two different resolutions both at default 100% scaling.

Both issues occur every time.

EDIT UPDATE FIXED 10/5/2021 Issue 1:
I have to drag Launchbox to be centered across the two monitors in order to get menu hover drop lists to work.
Example Top bar → Tools → mouse hover on Import → ISSUE: menu shows up on the left side of drop down box…
Moving the mouse to the left causes the menu to disappear.

Issue 2:
Fullscreen on secondary monitor has the title bar clipped.

EDIT UPDATE 10/5/2021:
Version 12.0-beta-3
Issue 1 has been resolved.
(Dropbox displaying on wrong side of drop down menu)

Comments (9)

  1. Christian

    Windows 11 is still in development and may have some issues. The context menu placement is determined by the OS as is the screen resolution so I’m a bit confused as to why that would occur. So I can try and test on my end. Could you let me know what your desktop set up looks like? Be nice to know what resolutions and scaling settings your two monitors are and which is located where (like monitor 1 is on the left). When giving location information I’m referring to where the OS thinks the screen is, not the physical location.

  2. Ben Burris reporter

    I’ve had the same issue in Windows 10 prior as noted. I’ve been dealing with this for almost a year on all beta updates of Launchbox.
    Left monitor non-primary (2560 x 1440) 100% Scaling
    Center monitor primary (1920 x1080) 100% Scaling

    Switching the left monitor as my primary fixes Issue 2 (Title bar set correctly)

    However Issue 1 where the drop down menu always shows on the left, then disappears is still apparent.
    All titlebar drop down boxes* have this issue. The window of Launchbox thinks there’s some boundary on the right side… there’s not.

    Graphics card Nvidia 2080 Super, (No scaling in Adjust size and position)

  3. Ben Burris reporter

    Personally, I think Issue 1 is the “Licensed to…” might be creating form space and preventing the drop down box form opening on the right side as it should.

    maybe also My name ends in “III” might create some issues possibly? Or maybe the Retro Score:10, the padding is off somehow.

    Issue 2: has the resolution scaling bug using higher resolutions for non primary monitors. Corsair ICUE has/had this same problem if the primary is a different resolution.

  4. Christian

    Does the issue still happen with G-Sync off? I know that application has caused some users problems inside of Big Box. I admit I’ve not heard it doing what you are describing in LaunchBox but would be curious to know if it is affecting it at all. I doubt the issue is caused by WPF layout issues regarding the title bar elements or we’d get far more people complaining the issue is occurring than just you. If it is a layout issue it is more likely to be caused by the fact your two monitors are such different resolutions. I’m curious if we are getting the information from the OS incorrectly and it causing the issues you are seeing. I’ll do some testing with various resolutions and let you know if I find anything that may be causing the issue.

  5. Ben Burris reporter

    Tried gsync off (for both monitors), Launchbox drop down menu still shifts the box to the left (when it should be on the right). Still disappears trying to hover to it. Happens on both monitors. The only time it doesn’t do this is if I center the Launchbox application in the middle spanning the two monitors.

    Windows compatibility settings (run as windows 8 etc) does not fix it.
    Disabling Multitasking (snap windows, desktops, title bar settings in windows 11) also does not fix it.
    Disabling my secondary monitor does not fix it.
    Just using the 1080p display by itself still forces the drop down on the wrong side.

  6. Ben Burris reporter

    The drop down box for whatever reason is defaulting to the left side instead of the right side. (Maybe Align left or something is flagged?)
    I can force it to go to the right side if I shrink or move the launchbox application near the left most border of whichever screen/monitor.

    If there is no hard screen boundary limit on the left it places the drop down menu there.

  7. Ben Burris reporter
    • marked as minor
    • edited description

    As of 10/5/2021: Issue 2 is still very much prevalent.

    Full screen on a *left set larger resolution non primary monitor on Windows 11 (non scaled resolution) off sets the title bar and ui by X% scaled differently from primary monitor.

    Example: If my secondary monitor has ~40% more resolution versus my primary,. The title bar is offset that much.

  8. Ben Burris reporter

    Changing window scaling on my 2560 x 1440 monitor (non primary) to 150% in windows setting fixes ISSUE 2. At 125% scaling launchbox still clips.

    I believe this is because launchbox is using the default monitor resolution of 1920 x 1080 to apply its UI scaling.

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