possibility of description translation by the community and choose when importing

Issue #6215 new
TONino83 created an issue

Would it be possible to be able to participate in the translation of the descriptions on the database, put several options of description languages ​​and add an option on launchbox to scratch the desired language. (Of course leave English as the priority language for the holes if by example we choose the Spanish). But the translation would be done by the community and after some time this would allow to have multi-language descriptions (each person native of his language contributes to the translation) that would serve the launchbox database and the users. I know that the priority for you is the improvement of the software, I understand it, am very happy with it and see it over the regular updates, launchbox is a great tool but if it does not require too much work (basically several language boxes on the database and a "language" option for scratching the descriptions) this could ”

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