Lag and monitor/screen flickering. Can crash PC.

Issue #6216 new
Anthony Sass created an issue

When moving within LaunchBox, especially when editing listed games and downloading images of the game, the program makes my computer very unstable. The first sign is slowdown and weird graphical glitches while trying to type or search for images for games from the database. While I’m trying to do this, the screen will also start to go completely black for a second or two, then come back. It has crashed my computer before, but not lately. I already tried uninstalling graphics card drives and reinstalling, but this has not fixed anything.

Comments (4)

  1. Retro808

    Would you check and see if you have Nahimic running in the services tab of task manager? That has been known to cause graphical issues and some lag.

    Here is a post on Nahimic issues.

  2. Christian

    If anything LaunchBox is doing causes a hard crash of your computer you likely have hardware issues. Something akin to bad hard drive, bad memory, your CPU is overclocked too high, PSU isn’t strong enough for your setup, etc. The OS has SEVERAL fail safes in it that it would close LaunchBox before allowing a crash to happen under normal circumstances. If the screen is flickering or your graphics don’t look like they should the best bet would be to ensure your video drivers are up to date and then check out the thread Retro808 is referring to.

  3. Anthony Sass reporter

    You were right, I see that somehow I also have Nahilic, so I stopped all those processes. I’m not having the graphical issues anymore, and it is much more stable. It still has crashed though, but not in the exact same way. I think it may be interacting with my graphics card in a way that is maybe causing it, not sure, but launchbox works fime on one computer, but this one isn’t doing so hot. I have a 3070 installed, so perhaps something involving that isn’t playing nice. But LaunchBox crashed once and ended up corrupting a file, which forced me to wipe my entire collection saved as the backup files disappeared when I uninstalled and reinstalled to fix the error. So now no problems, but 10,000 games to update and don’t have enough time to relist all my games. But I suppose this particular problem is solved for now, or at least until I spend more time putting all those games back in there and seeing how it runs. Thank you for the help so far.

  4. Christian

    You can always run the installer again over the current install, no need to uninstall THEN reinstall. The installer doesn’t overwrite or delete any data folders so you don’t lose your metadata and media that way.

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