ram overflow bbx 11.15

Issue #6224 new
marcel k created an issue

big box is using up all the ram. eventually shutting down.

i have tried reinstalling, bbx

other themes and reinstalling themes, turning of transitions and more.

it looks like it is trying to load all data at once. not only the game data on screen.

if i open the all games map/menu . my ssd goes to 100% usage and the ram will fill up untill the program shuts down. recently added 6gb extra but it does not stop.

i can capture video or setup remote connection if you like to solve

Comments (8)

  1. marcel k reporter

    it is 12GB

    big box idles normally around 1,5gb

    and i have tried today to pinpoint when this happened.

    maybe there is an image cover file broken or something like that.

    it seemed that more memory was used in the snes playlist, I am currently renewing all metadata and artwork files

    I thought maybe it was a known problem

    thanks for helping,

    if I have a solution I will let you know

  2. marcel k reporter

    i have tried different themes as well , the problem is not in a specific theme.

    it looks like there is a memory leak, maybe garbage collection not turned on or something?

  3. Christian

    C# is managed code so GC is always on, we even manually call it several times. The fact that even in your video your memory drops periodically back down shows that GC is running and working. That being said, C# has a “smart” functionality to it’s GC (as does the OS) where many times it won’t force it to run until a period of time has transpired or the OS actually NEEDS the memory the GC can release. I do see that you are using Nvidia in your video, are you running any of their video card software/features with Big Box (believe theirs are called G-Sync)? I ask because those are none to cause issues (especially with GC) because they inject themselves into the video card buffer and memory and tell the OS/app that the files are still in use which can get in the way of GC. I’d be curious if you still had the issue with those features disabled (if on).

  4. marcel k reporter

    i have uninstalled al Nvidia software, even the drivers. i have tried turning everything off in the Nvidia menu including sync and tried the newest driver (the one from today)

    but it still manages to clog up sometimes.

    i can see what you mean, it sometimes cleaned up, but not always on time.

    i could even try to install another GPU from ati, but it is a lot of work . need to get inside this home build big boy..

    maybe I will order 16gb of ddr3 and just wait for a solution:)

  5. marcel k reporter

    work around update:

    i have split the games in to more groups. if I load only one group at a time it can work.

    just don't click the All games button or demo mode.

  6. marcel k reporter

    8gb does solve most of the problem.after the last update it is working good.

    may god bless you for this excelent software.

    only thing i did not found out is how to relink the roms from another location, new extra hard disk.. fot new mame roms

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