“Initializing…” progress bar hints when opening Launchbox/Bigbox

Issue #6237 resolved
Toni Toni created an issue

Hi, I’d like to request a feature I miss more and more on LB/BB.

My platform/games collection is quite big (several TBs) so LB/BB takes to open (from the icon click to the actual render of the LB/BB screen) more than one minute, during which you really don’t know what is going on (“did I click? do I try again?”)

I’d love to see a simple porgress bar that indicates the opening procedures that LB/BB is executing on real time, similar to the one Gmail shows when opening your inbox. For LB/BB maybe something like “Preparing Platforms…”, “Preparing Games…”, “Preparing Views…” to give the user some hints that something is moving on the complex initialization procedures.


Comments (5)

  1. Christian

    Sounds like you turned off the feature we already have in place that does this. Go to LaunchBox Options, first page. There is a checkbox called “Show splash screen during load”. Make sure that is on.

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