Launchbox Rest Api / Mister FPGA integration

Issue #6246 new
Jon Ludena created an issue

I love LaunchBox as an Emulation front end, you guys do amazing work! I was wondering if there is any interest in creating some type of public LaunchBox api that could possibly be exposed to fully paid/licensed users where metadata scraped from LaunchBox db and emumovies could be fetched directly through the api and potentially used to extend LaunchBox or even create new user applications. One specific use I’m thinking of here would be a Mister FPGA integration where a user could authenticate with their LaunchBox credentials and then pass in a collection of platform/game information through a POST which could then be used to populate an instance of Launchbox with said games metadata (art,manuals,snaps etc.). The idea here is that LaunchBox would act as a pretty front end “companion” app to the MiSTer FPGA and be Synced with the game library the user passed in via an update script. Ideally this would be able to be as automated as possible, where if the user passed in the games with the correct naming convention the rest of the sync would basically be automated and next time they open the software their game collection would be updated automatically.

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