Ability to choose to auto-select playlists to create on adding ROMs

Issue #6256 new
Kelly Harding created an issue

Ability to mirror the function of the MAME import to generate playlists when adding ROMs to Launchbox.

Comments (2)

  1. Christian

    Can right click a platform and select “Auto-Generate Child Playlists…” and get this window:

    Is there an option on there you aren’t seeing you think needs to be there?

  2. Kelly Harding reporter

    I think you might have misunderstood what I was meaning.

    I meant when you add a MAME set, part of it has an option to auto generate playlists. My suggestion was for all platforms to have the generate playlists as part of the Add Roms process.

    So the process would be:

    • Add roms
    • Select Platform
    • Select Emulator
    • Select LB DB Media
    • Select EmuMovies Media
    • Select playlists to generate
    • Confirm games selection

    Does that make more sense?

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