Open File location on specific roms

Issue #6268 new
Matthew Levesque created an issue

Launchbox now has trhe option to open games folder if left clicking on a rom, it would be very nice to see a feature added to actually go straight to the rom’s actual location for ease of removing roms like you would when you left click on app and files in windows itself. Just a suggestion for quality life to make removing things easier.

Comments (5)

  1. Christian

    I get the request but not sure the example is the best to use since you CAN delete the game AND rom file from LaunchBox if you have that option enabled. Only bringing it up to make sure you were aware of that feature. I will leave the request open to see how much traction it can get.

  2. Matthew Levesque reporter

    ok so i need to explain better. what im doing is deleting differnt versions of the game like usa, eu, jap and when i go to delet the addtional app in the edit section it do not delet the rom from my drive. i have copy and paste every time in file exploreer, sorry bad spelling im in a rush but i know you know what i mean

  3. Matthew Levesque reporter

    so what im doin is trying to have my one prefered version of each game some rom sets have evryhting possible and i like the region excluvives but i dont need 7 versions of super mario bros and in the edit screen with delet rom from launchbox and drive doesnt work just tested but i have not updated to latest but im prettty up to date like one before this new update i just saw right now

  4. Matthew Levesque reporter

    yea just updated doesnt work still and yes i press f5 to refresh file explorer i dont know much about pc’s but i know working in windows f5 is refresh

  5. Matthew Levesque reporter

    like right now i haave 8 versions of mega man and i only want one the usa i dont want to delet the entire collection just the ones i dont need i cant seem to find an easier way then copy and paste the title and i have to do that 2x because jap is called rockman

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