Reset Play Count/Reset Last Played not working

Issue #6284 new
CZ created an issue

Launchbox Version 11.17

Windows 10 Pro 20H2 x64

Every time “reset play count” is used, it does not affect the existing play count.

To reproduce:

  • In Launchbox, haven’t tested in big box
  • Select game with a play count/last played date (or run a game so it gains play count: 1 and a date)
  • Right-click game, select “reset play count” or “reset last played”
  • Issue: Metadata does not change for the game.

Tried with Steam and Roms.

Comments (11)

  1. Retro808

    I tested on a couple builds and the reset works. I did notice that Play Count only refreshed after I click to a different game and clicked back. If you change games does the reset take place at all?

    Do you know if this was working for you on a prior version?

  2. CZ reporter

    It didn’t change through moving between games nor sorting types. I reset and the Last Played was cleared for one ROM but not the other.

    Play count is still not clearing for either one, though.

  3. CZ reporter

    I enabled debug log and ran both attempts again on two different files, just tell me where to send it.

  4. Christian

    You can attach any logs you have directly to this ticket.

    Do you have any files that don’t belong in your data folder? Any “-backup.xml” files for example? We’ve seen issues like this reported when there were bad files in that folder. I tried to replicate this and couldn’t. I will try a few more times while I’m working and see if I can get it to replicate while I wait on your response and for you to attach those logs.

  5. Christian

    The files I am referring to are your data files not game files. Would be in your \\LaunchBox\Data folder. Any games you copy go to \\LaunchBox\Games\ by default

  6. CZ reporter

    Yes, I checked the data folder and saw no temporary files. I was just adding additional information that might have been relevant. Sorry for the confusion.

  7. CZ reporter

    I have discovered that deactivating the system tray feature and restarting will remove this issue - perhaps there’s something about reopening Launchbox from closed/minimized-to-system-tray.

  8. Brian

    Just verified it’s still broken in LaunchBox 12.15, but didn’t work in older versions either. “Reset play count & time” and “Reset last played” don’t do anything. Data still not reset after switching between games or restarting LaunchBox. I haven’t used the system tray.

  9. Christian

    Typically metadata not saving between games is caused by backup files being the \\LaunchBox\Data folder that don’t belong. I’d verify that you don’t have any files ending in “-backup” in that folder and remove them if you do and restart LaunchBox. The reset button also doesn’t work for Steam games where we get the information directly from your Steam profile.

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