Start LaunchBox With Windows in the Background

Issue #6288 new
Underoath13 created an issue

Adding a tray icon to have LaunchBox in the background was a great addition, but unfortunately if I want the program to start with Windows then I get an annoying banner saying LaunchBox is starting, and what’s worse is that it stays on top of certain apps like Mail with no way to move it. And once it’s done doing that LaunchBox itself pops up over whatever I was doing at the moment. It would be very convenient and I imagine not very hard to implement to have it simply start with Windows in the background, so any time I’m ready to play a game its just there, and I don’t have to wait on the application to open.

And one more nitpicky but not super important thing, is when I double click on the tray icon, the application immediately comes up, which is great. But if I click on the taskbar icon for LaunchBox or a shortcut on the desktop, it has to initialize first and takes a few seconds. It would be nice to have the same behavior as the tray icon in this regard.

Love what you guys do, keep it up and thanks for listening!

Comments (6)

  1. brian

    Thanks for the request. I have it marked down as a potential candidate for a future community poll item.

  2. Christian

    I do like the thought of having this as an option. I tossed a vote on the ticket, I’d recommend you do the same as that is what we often use to gauge interest levels on requests.

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