LB creating empty media folders

Issue #6299 new
Don MacSween created an issue

I noticed that in the images folder LB creates folders for all media types (Box-Front, 3D Cart etc) even if they are not used / wanted.

If I manually delete the empty folders it just replaces them when I run LB, a minor issue but makes it harder when trying to sort out my images.

I don't know if this is an intended behavior or just how it was put together at the time, but keeping folder structures simple is IMHO never a bad thing.

Many Thanks


Comments (2)

  1. Retro808

    That is the way it is designed. It helps ensure the proper folder structure is already present and maintained. This also helps ensure users, if they manually add an image, have the correct folder present if the user does not have existing images in the correct folder.

    If a user manually wants to add a 3d Box image and currently does not have any for that platform’s games, without that folder already being present the user would not know where to place the image and how LB wants that folder named.

  2. Don MacSween reporter

    Firstly thank you very much for looking at what is a minor issue 🙂 you get mucho developer brownie points from me.

    I can see the logic in creating such a structure when a platform is created, but not if they are recreated -after- I choose to delete them.
    I am all for helping noobies (I am one in many aspects) but also for ownership of my file structure and a clean easy to navigate space.

    Additionally, many of these are platform-specific (steam, amazon.. etc), and being added to every platform, my pinball platform is never going to need a “Steam Screenshot”

    … Just my thoughts, thank you for listening to them.

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