Video continues to play after launching game in latest beta

Issue #631 resolved
JB created an issue

Using the latest beta, sometimes the preview video from BigBox continues to play in the background after launching a game. I'm getting this about 50% of the time I launch a game now since upgrading. I never had this happen before.

Usually closing the game, going back into LaunchBox then relaunching the game fixes it.

Also when this happens, if I exit the game, then scroll to another game, the video from the previous game usually stays playing until it reaches the end, then the correct video will play.

Comments (8)

  1. Jason Carr repo owner

    Hi JB, I'm having trouble reproducing this issue. The latest betas added support for the VLC video playback engine as well as Windows Media Player. Which playback engine is this happening with? Thanks!

  2. JB reporter

    It's set to VLC. Is there a way to change it without going into the interface since it won't launch?

  3. Jason Carr repo owner

    Big Box won't launch at all now? I'm confused.

    The way to change it is to go to the General Settings in Big Box. The Video Playback Engine option is at the bottom.

  4. JB reporter

    This is still an issue. Any way to further test this? I have about a 50/50 chance of the game launching with the preview video still playing in the background. It happens with WMP and VLC.

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