The order of my "last played" games are gone, and new plays aren't getting saved

Issue #633 new
Rodrigo Gómez Maitret created an issue


I opened LaunchBox a few days ago to find out that the order of the last games I've played are gone. I've had games played last time since 2015 (at least on this PC) and all is gone.

Now, it doesn't really matter that my order save is lost/deleted, the problem is that even after the issue the games I boot are not saved as "recent" as well. I've been having this issue for days now, and instead of just having the last games I played comfortably visible there, I have to manually search for whatever I want to replay.

If it helps, the last things I remember doing before this happened is installing DOSBox, then adding "Dangerous Dave" to my library.

The version of LaunchBox you are using 5.8

The version of Windows you are using Windows 10

How often the issue occurs Every time since it first happened

Steps to reproduce the issue if you are able to reproduce it It's still there.

The complete error that shows up in LaunchBox, if there is one (with all error text) None.

Thanks, a lot for the support. I can't wait for the online library update! Keep up the good work! :)

Comments (3)

  1. Jason Carr repo owner

    Hi Rodrigo, can you email me your LaunchBox.xml file to I'll see if I can reproduce it. Thanks!

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