Next/Previous buttons on editing screen

Issue #6367 duplicate
Jeroen Honingh created an issue

Dear Jason (or whoever is reading this),

I’m not sure if this is the right way to do this but if not just tell me where and how i should.

I want to request a feature in Launchbox concerning editing games.

I wish i would be able to press a button to go to the next or previous entry/record while in the Edit game screen.

That’s all, i don’t know what else to add to that other than if you read this and reply you have my sincere thanks in advance.

You and your team have made a great product and i finaly, after years of using it for free, have decided to buy a lifelong license.

Thank you again and keep up the good work.

Sincerely yours,

Jeroen Honingh

The Netherlands

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