Allow to set multiple rom paths for a platform in edit platform game folder

Issue #6372 new
Amir Amran created an issue

As a LB user with BB premium account that use LB exclusively, build a huge library this is a feature that i would like to see the most implemented, by far.

When a platform has multiple rom paths for a platform it is unreliable to consolidate/combine everything from my experience, it combines roms to the wrong game ids, and makes it difficult to update and manage the different rom paths. Also, there is no way to know which game has which type of hacks. Alternatively, creating playlists for each rom path instead of consolidating still makes it difficult to update and manage - the need to move a rom path to other temporary platform every time the rom path needs update since in the import process lb checks in all the rom paths in a platform, etc.

The feature:

For example, Sega Mega Drive platform in edit platform will have 4 rom paths set: Game folder 1 – "Original Games" (say, no-intros), game folder 2 - "Translated Games", game folder 3 - "Games with CD Sound", game folder 4 – "Games with Enhanced Colors".

  1. Make “Change roms folder”, “Scan for added roms”, “Scan for removed roms” available for each of the platform game folders.
  2. In the import process allow to choose which game folder LB will import the files to and check in for force duplicates, combine, etc.

This way it will be much easier and simpler to import and manage a platform with multiple rom paths that need to be updated and with no conflicts, in the playlists method. Loosing a bit of hdd space for duplicate media is very much worth it. This feature will make it simpler and easier to use also for people who uses one rom path for a platform and people who wants to consolidate everything in a platform will still be able to do so.

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