I would like to see console icons added on the side bar where you choose the platform.

Issue #642 resolved
Former user created an issue

Hi pretty much the tittle summarizes my request i would like to see icons that represent the console on the side, i think it would add a very pleasing aesthetic to the whole program. In this message i will link an image of what im talking about,and also there are plenty of sources to download the icons so no need to make them. Thank you.

Comments (10)

  1. Robert Taylor

    I would like to up vote this idea. Console icons are present in other front ends like emulation control center. I would think this idea would work real well.

  2. Jason Carr repo owner

    This would be relatively easy to do if someone could come up with the icons. They would need to be 32x32 pixels.

  3. William Jones

    These are pretty cool. However, I feel that there should be an option to display this images or not, especially in Big Box. I feel like there can be too many images side by side including this and the platform banners if all of the images are enabled.

  4. Former user Account Deleted

    OpenEmu on Mac already does this with great pixel art icons. Maybe those could be copied or something similar? I feel like Jason wouldn’t go for it though even if it’s an optional feature. I think it should be on by default but able to be disabled.

  5. Jason Carr repo owner

    Hi guys, now that we have custom themes in LaunchBox, any theme developer should be able to do this, just FYI. That said, I do still like the idea so I might get around to tackling it here myself at some point.

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