Add ISystemEventsPlugin events for entering and/or leaving the platforms view.

Issue #6443 resolved
Gerald Kustreba created an issue

I’m looking to code a plugin that would react based on the user ‘hitting enter’ on a platform and entering a game view and/or the opposite of ‘hitting escape' and leaving the game view list and returning to the platforms view.

I am unable to find any interfaces that can do this in a non-xaml plugin (not the IBigBoxThemeElementPlugin interface).

It appears that the ‘event’ is sent to LEDBlinky as entering a game view from a platform view sends a ‘7' to LEDBlinky, When exiting the game view and returning to the platform view an '8' is sent. I’m just looking for it to exist in the plugin api as well.


Also.. fyi.. the ‘7' that is sent to LEDBlinky isn’t in the supported command line syntax. The '7' is sent along with the list name, should this possibly be an ‘8' for ‘list change’?

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