Launchbox/Bigbox: Ability to create an element that acts as a container of something else

Issue #6467 new
Ciro Bonfrate created an issue

Would be nice to have something that is not a platform or playlist but acts as a sort of link to a playlist.
This would give depth to user’s database organization; for example, i may have a “Nintendo” playlist that shows 3 of those custom containers: let’s say a “Mario”, “Zelda” and “Metroid” container…each one is linked to a playlist (seems a solid tool to filter db), which in the case would show me all the games.
Basically, a container object that is at the same level of the imported games in the ui structure of BigBox or Launchbox.
Should be customizable and have its own metadata.

Comments (5)

  1. brian

    Hi Ciro,

    This sounds a lot like a Category, which can be created in LaunchBox by choosing your Platform Category filter (in the dropdown on the Side Bar), right clicking any item and choosing Add > New Category.

    Categories can be placed in a spot of your choosing within your Platform Category hierarchy (using the Parents Tab) and can have it’s own metadata and media.

    This would allow you to create your example: Nintendo > Mario > [Games]

    However, Nintendo would be the Category, and Mario, Zelda, Metroid would be your Playlists.

  2. Ciro Bonfrate reporter

    Hi Brian,
    reading again my post shown me how tired i was when writing it, and how confusing the proposal is.

    As you said, you can pretty much edit your hierarchy and create containers for playlists (i have a “Collections” category which contains dozens of playlists for every important franchise out there and even a “Developers” category with playlists for software houses).

    My proposal is to have an object at the same level of the imported games…a db item that acts as a link to a playlist or other ways to filter stuff.

    So that it’s not in my sidebar on Launchbox, but among the imported games….thinking mostly of BigBox here, that could give a bigger freedom to structure your UI experience.
    While practical using Launchbox (i can always access the sidebar), the platform/categories/playlists structure is somewhat limiting what you can do with BigBox (i have to move back on the hierarchy as the final view i can get is the wall/wheel view with all the games for selected platform/category/playlist).

    I’m well aware it’s a sort of redundant feature that adds little, but having such kind of object could bring new ways of structuring the frontend experience of BigBox.

    (Surely not a “Major” priority proposal, of course)

  3. Christian

    Your asking for a “Collection” element similar to how Plex allows you to add “Collections” to their item grid that contains several items underneath it, correct?

  4. Ciro Bonfrate reporter

    Exactly (but in the case of BigBox, it could be an item on the grid for the wall view, or an item for the wheels, etc)

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