When grouping by Platform, platform Sort Title is not respected

Issue #6488 resolved
Michael Schoneman created an issue

LaunchBox v12.3

Windows 11

Issue always occures

Not sure if you’d classify this a bug or enhancement. Regardless, I have all my various platforms setup with a Sort Title that starts with the year the platform was released. When I select Platform in the drop down on the left, they are not displayed in that order:

Comments (5)

  1. Christian

    The sort title is being respected, that’s why they are scattered all over like that. One thing you need to keep in mind is that the sort title is a string comparison so if you leading with the release year it’s possible (depending on how you input that data) that string sorting is in that order. Could you do me a favor and provide me with the sort title of 4 or 5 of your platforms, would help me explain/identify the problem.

  2. Retro808

    Sort is not in the order you are wanting since for NES you have a sort title with both a date and a name. All others only have a date. Change “1985 Nintendo” to just “1985” and it will sort. The “Nintendo” is throwing an extra data element for the sort to work through when determining what to arrange by (Numeric, then Numeric+Alpha, then Alpha).

  3. Michael Schoneman reporter

    Ok, cool. So it not just a straight string sort. Got it. Changing everything to have text after the date worked. (I had two Platforms from 1985 so had added the names)

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