Querying EmuMovies while downloading game media taking over 5 minutes for each game

Issue #6520 resolved
Thanatos Prime created an issue

In 12.4, when I go to download media, from Edit Game, Media Images, Download Media it is taking over 5 minutes to download anything. It sits on Querying EmuMovies the majority of that time. No other internet issues of any kind and Launchbox Database moderation is not slow. Persists through computer restart. Needs a shorter timeout for EmuMovies check.

Comments (7)

  1. Retro808

    There does appear to be an issue possibly on EmuMovies side. EmuMovies on their forum advised they are looking into what could be the issue.

  2. Thanatos Prime reporter

    Knowing where the source of the issue is does not mean that there should NOT be a shorter timeout check for EmuMovies media download. Over 5 minutes is incredibly excessive.

  3. Thanatos Prime reporter
    • changed status to open

    When EmuMovies is not responding for whatever reason, the timeout should be shorter so as not to take over 5 minutes trying to download from them. Timeout should be shortened when EmuMovies is not responding.

  4. Retro808

    Ah, I did sort of blow right past that. The team is working on a beta upgrade to allow possibly cancelling out the EmuMovies query in cases where time is extended. Something should be out soon.

  5. Christian

    We have code in place that will allow users to cancel an EmuMovies search that should be out in the next beta. Will let you decide if you want to wait for the search results, or cancel it early so you can get on with what ever you are trying to do.

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