Big Box Crashes When Switching Modes in IPAC-2

Issue #6521 new
Jeff Kackley created an issue

I am using the Ultimarc IPAC-2 controller in MultiMode. The board allows you to switch from keyboard mode to gamepad mode with a command line utility. When the utility runs effectively the windows OS sees the keyboard hardware as unplugged, then it sees a gamepad usb device as plugged in. When this usb hot swapping occurs by using the WinIpac.exe program it is causing Big Box to crash (for instance when launching a steam a script runs to switch to xinput mode, then when the game is over it switches back to keyboard mode).

Please see video of issue:

Comments (2)

  1. Christian

    Could you look in your Windows Event Viewer under Application Error logs and tell me if you see anything in there related to the crash?

  2. Jeff Kackley reporter

    Thanks for your reply. Sure I cleared my event viewer logs. Then I reproduced the issue. Here are the logs

    Application Log:

    Level Date and Time Source Event ID Task Category
    Warning 11/30/2021 2:01:48 AM Microsoft-Windows-Perflib 1008 None "The Open procedure for service ""WmiApRpl"" in DLL ""C:\Windows\system32\wbem\wmiaprpl.dll"" failed with error code The device is not ready.. Performance data for this service will not be available."
    Warning 11/30/2021 2:01:48 AM Microsoft-Windows-PerfProc 2002 None Unable to open the job object \BaseNamedObjects\WmiProviderSubSystemHostJob for query access. The calling process may not have permission to open this job. The first four bytes (DWORD) of the Data section contains the status code.
    Error 11/30/2021 2:01:48 AM Microsoft-Windows-PerfNet 2004 None Unable to open the Server service performance object. The first four bytes (DWORD) of the Data section contains the status code.
    Warning 11/30/2021 2:01:48 AM Microsoft-Windows-Perflib 1008 None "The Open procedure for service ""Lsa"" in DLL ""C:\Windows\System32\Secur32.dll"" failed with error code Access is denied.. Performance data for this service will not be available."
    Warning 11/30/2021 2:01:48 AM Microsoft-Windows-Perflib 1008 None "The Open procedure for service ""ESENT"" in DLL ""C:\Windows\system32\esentprf.dll"" failed with error code Access is denied.. Performance data for this service will not be available."
    Warning 11/30/2021 2:01:48 AM Microsoft-Windows-Perflib 1008 None "The Open procedure for service "".NETFramework"" in DLL ""C:\Windows\system32\mscoree.dll"" failed with error code Access is denied.. Performance data for this service will not be available."

    System Log:

    Level Date and Time Source Event ID Task Category
    Information 11/30/2021 2:03:56 AM Service Control Manager 7040 None The start type of the Background Intelligent Transfer Service service was changed from auto start to demand start.
    Warning 11/30/2021 2:03:45 AM Microsoft-Windows-DistributedCOM 10016 None "The machine-default permission settings do not grant Local Activation permission for the COM Server application with CLSID
    and APPID
    to the user MAME\owner SID (S-1-5-21-1764982949-2603488165-2028659849-1001) from address LocalHost (Using LRPC) running in the application container Microsoft.Windows.ShellExperienceHost_10.0.19041.1320_neutral_neutral_cw5n1h2txyewy SID (S-1-15-2-155514346-2573954481-755741238-1654018636-1233331829-3075935687-2861478708). This security permission can be modified using the Component Services administrative tool."
    Information 11/30/2021 2:01:44 AM Microsoft-Windows-Eventlog 104 Log clear The Application log file was cleared.
    Information 11/30/2021 2:00:09 AM Microsoft-Windows-Eventlog 104 Log clear The System log file was cleared.

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