Badges for Additional App/Version

Issue #6548 new
Paul (LB) created an issue

Hi - I know there is functionality for badges for additional apps/version, but it seems somewhat flawed in its implementation. Currently, the badge only shows if there’s at least 2 or more additional apps, meaning a game with a single additional app/version will not have its badge shown. Secondly, even at that, if the additional app/version is manually added, it won’t count at all unless the user inputs something into the “version” field of the metadata tab. This makes ensuring the badges are shown a cluncky & time consuming process.

I realise that the reasoning for this, is that sometimes additional apps are used to trigger other things like scripts, disc mounting and such however.

My suggestion is to make it so that any game with an additional app will automatically be ensured a badge is shown. In the case where a game’s additional app is for something other than a game, these specific games (and/or entire systems) can be manually flagged as not needing a badge. Maybe even separate out additional apps, and have a section for additional apps and one for additional games….whereby the latter is used to trigger the badge.

Anyway, appreciate you reading, it’s just some thoughts from someone who recently tried to turn on badges for additional versions, but had to abandon it because having to manually edit the version tab of the metadata of so many games would have taken days of tedious work. Cheers 🙂

Comments (2)

  1. Christian

    We do want to take a look at this badge and see about it aligning more to the logic we use in our context menu’s. I can see the current implementation being confusing. We went this way originally because if the user used our import tools all that should already be done, but as you noticed the users who have manually altered the additional apps may not have done that.

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