Separate Arcade Buttons and Gamepad Mappings to "Profiles"

Issue #6550 new
Evan McNeal created an issue

I think it would be an excellent feature if we could map two controller types as separate inputs inside Big Box. For instance, I have a cabinet built that has 2 players worth of arcade buttons and joysticks, as well as 2 Nintendo switch controllers. I can map the arcade buttons and both work as expected, but then I map the controllers, and the buttons are all out of whack. Allowing controller profile “types” could help alleviate this issue, because it makes it hard to do emulation with MAME and retroarch etc without still needing a keyboard to exit games in case the mappings are messed up, or without switching from controller to arcade buttons, or vice verse. This would prevent buttons doing unexpected things after mapping other input Types. Each Profile will still only be one input driver-> either xinput or dinput, but for truly separating gamepads from arcade buttons, this could really help.

Now imagine controller mappings look like this:

Controller Mapping-> Map Single Input Type OR Multiple Input types

If multiple->

Controller Mapping->Arcade Mapping->select devices to map here….-> Map buttons to “arcade” profile

Controller Mapping->Gamepad Mapping->select devices to map here…-> Map buttons to “gamepad” profile

Then the devices get their own controller mappings and stay separate for people with hybrid cabinets that utilize multiple inputs.

Comments (3)

  1. Evan McNeal reporter

    I am a Site Reliability Engineer and was a .net developer for the last 4 years! I appreciate all the hard work for this product! I know it’s not easy to do, keep it up!

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