Colorize single rows with preset colors

Issue #6559 new
Daniel Gimmer created an issue

Dear developers,

I am using Launchbox for a while now as premium user and I love the program. It’s brilliant. The only thing that I am missing is some very obvious ability to distinguish if I have played/finished a game yet or not. On other launchers for other games (DoomLauncher for mods in Doom), one can exactly do that and I actually love that feature. It makes organizing things extremely easy.

So I can imagine two different ways to implement it:

  • Manually color a game’s row in the list view by choosing a color (predefined) when right-clicking or editing the entry
  • Automatically color a game’s row in the list view according to certain triggers that can manually be set (e.g. if a game is finished, it shows a green line, if it is not, it shows red)

I attached a small mock-up how this could look like, it’s kinda neat and helps a lot sorting things at first sight. Would be awesome to have that in!

Best regards,

Comments (5)

  1. Christian

    There is a complete flag in Edit Game screen you can check to mark a game has been finished, and if a game has a play count of 0 it is considered unplayed. Both also have badges that can now be displayed in list view to help easily identify games that fall under either category. You could also potentially theme your LaunchBox to do the highlight based on those criteria.

    Will leave the ticket open as a proposal for the highlight that people can vote on.

  2. Daniel Gimmer reporter

    Thanks kindly for your reply. But how can I make the “finished” badge being displayed in list view? I can’t find a setting for that even though badges are displayed in general and I also checked the “finished” badge.

  3. Retro808

    When in List view make sure under the “Badges” menu at the top right “Show Badges” is checked and that the badges you want to show are selected. Badges by default will appear at the end of the columns.

    If it is and they are still not showing, right click on the headers in the list view and make sure “Show Badges” is checked there. When you right click on the header row “Show Badges” will be all the way at the bottom

  4. Daniel Gimmer reporter

    I found the problem: I was using an old custom theme for Launch Box, that didn’t display the badges. Thanks for your support

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