Create bat files last game launched

Issue #6564 new
Gianluca Folì created an issue


it would be very useful for bigbox to write a small bat file where to find the latest game launched. currently I use a very heavy and raw script that does this job but I'm sure you can make it much better. the bat file generated allows me, when I turn on the PC, to simulate an arcade cabinet since instead of entering windows, I enter directly into the mame that launches the game read in the bat. I hope that my request will be clear and that you will be able to implement it.

You are the best!



Comments (9)

  1. Retro808

    Marked as minor since this is likely a very niche request. An interesting feature I can see usable by some to launch directly into a game, but most of our users base typically wants to boot directly into BigBox. I do think having an option to have BB boot into a specific game if one prefers would be nice.

  2. Gianluca Folì reporter

    Thanks I didn't know what priority to assign.

    Obviously after exiting the last game launched, you enter in Big Box. It would be very nice and I think not too difficult to create.

  3. Christian

    We remember last game selected per platform if you have that option checked. Curious what you are doing that you want/use the BAT for? At the very least could just build a plugin that does that on start and would be far more performant for you than your BAT file solution. I’m just not sure at this point why you are needing either and was hoping you could explain the situation a bit for me so I can understand.

  4. Gianluca Folì reporter

    Ok, I try to explain. I hope my english is understandable.

    I've a pc with Windows 10 Enterprise N installed inside on my arcade cabinet . The operating system is hidden by the Instant Sheller app. When I turn on the PC, Instant Sheller launches the Runme.bat file which contains the command lines that recall the last rom played and what happens once you exit the game and enter the fronted.
    This system allows me to perfectly simulate an arcade cabinet as if it mount a PCB.

    Right now the fronted that automatically generates the command line with the last rom played is the gameex, but I'd like to use the BigBox that I love and use for years on other machines.

    That you know an alternative way to this to achieve the same result, I'll be happy to know, otherwise it would be a nice implementation by the BigBox (I know this request is very nerdy but isn’t everybody? :)


  5. Christian

    Ah so you are hoping instead of launching into Big Box on startup, you launch into a game, and then run Big Box AFTER closing it? It would potentially be possible to create a plugin that on Big Box opening did what you ask, but to not have Big Box open at all and then only start the front end AFTER the first game is closed could cause some problems. Mostly that Big Box starting isn’t always instant and so there may be a slight delay from the time you close the first game, and Big Box appears. You also would lose some of the functionality of Big Box (namely the Pause Menu) for the game you launched into since Big Box isn’t opened yet.

  6. Gianluca Folì reporter

    In fact, if I use a plugin this generates information only if I start the Big Box first and it is not good. When the PC starts, the rom is launched from the MAME (it is a cabinet only for arcade games). When you exit the game you access the BigBox with good times, I have already done many tests. The problem is that I have to write the command line by hand inside the bat file because it is not generated by BB.
    It doesn't matter what the pause screen is. The BB is a great fronted for managing roms but once a game is launched, everything must remain invisible.

  7. Christian

    Yeah. I can leave the ticket open as a feature request for people to vote on. In the meantime I think the following would be best solution for you.

    Create a IGameLaunching plugin for Big Box that listens to the game launch event then uses that to save the bat file to the desired location (or can just save a string you need to launch the game if easier). The code itself wouldn’t be hard, you could probably ask around on the forums and find some one willing to give it a go. Would probably be the best solution to use until such a feature was implemented.

  8. Gianluca Folì reporter

    Thanks for the open ticket. I'll take your advice and try to use a plugin. Although I have some doubts that it will work as it should 😕
    I hope it can be implemented as an additional feature.

    Thank you

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