Slow menu response times

Issue #6569 resolved
Jo Taylor created an issue

The most recent update has absolutely destroyed my Launchbox that I’ve used now since it first launched years ago…

After updating and restarting, Clicking any menu takes a good 8 seconds to load???

This has NEVER happened and I use Launchbox like daily.

Really hope this can be resolved ASAP - because I’m now scared to get updates anymore.

Comments (7)

  1. Jo Taylor reporter

    Update! After 13 minutes, LB has started to become faster again. I’ll leave this BUG just so you know guys. Maybe it was doing something big in the background, but it only happened after this update which concerned me. Thanks

  2. Christian

    This update didn’t change any logic regarding how any menu’s load, or even what is in them so I doubt the update is to blame. If you had something else running in the background or had other programs eating your CPU threads I can see it causing an issue with menu response time. Let us know if the issue rears it’s head again.

  3. Jo Taylor reporter

    This is a £4000 Gaming PC with 64gb spare RAM 🙂

    Nothing else was running after the system restart either.

    Launchbox takes around 8 seconds to startup whenever I turn the PC on, but the menu times and switching between games is now around 1 second per switch.

    If there was some way to dedicate part of the drive so that it was purely for making LB run lightning speed, I’d do that if it could help, because cycling through a very large games collection even with 1 second delays every click drags. (much better than last night though which was 5 seconds per click for some reason)

    Will update if that long delay happens again with some stats too. Cheers

  4. Stephen Burkart

    I’m having the exact same issue. I noticed it happening since I had updated nearly every ROM set to an updated version. I needed to use the menu to scan for removed ROMs and scan for added ROMs. As time went on the menu began going slower and slower until it was painfully slow to open or I had to click it multiple times to open (some click would just show the loading icon and never complete). If I clicked multiple times eventually every click would register and the menu appeared over and over again for the exact number of clicks.

    Closing LB and opening again would bring back some of the speed but it eventually gets slow again.

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