Feature Request: Arrange by Playlist and Playlist Overhaul similar to Tags by GOG Galaxy 2.0

Issue #6573 new
Austin Miller created an issue

I’ve mainly used Launchbox for Emulators and GOG Galaxy for Windows Games, but recently I’ve been moving towards using just Launchbox since there’s far more features and support compared to Galaxy 2.0. However, grouping games into playlists in Launchobx has been more frustrating compared to the Tags system for GOG Galaxy despite Launchbox giving me the option to group multiple games at once compared to Galaxy which only allows for one game at a time. I’m proposing the option to arrange games by Playlist and for a way to see exactly which playlist a game is grouped in similar to the way Galaxy allows you to tickmark which playlist you want each game to be grouped in. See attachments for examples via Galaxy that I think would make Launchbox even better than it already is

Comments (5)

  1. Christian

    Should be able to most of what you’re looking to do with this using our Custom Fields. You can set the custom field to be any key/value string combination you want, and then you can use the side bar filter to filter by that field, or the “on the fly” filter button next to the search bar

  2. Christian

    Custom Fields are a premium feature, so you need to have a license to do anything with them. If you have a license you can do the following:

    Open the Edit Game window for a game you want to add the custom field to.
    Once open go to the “Custom Field” page.
    Enter the name of the field in the first column.
    Enter the value of the field in the second column.
    Press Save.

    You can now do that for any game individually, OR you can now select any number of games and use the bulk edit to assign the custom field value.

    Once you have done that you will have a sider bar filter by your custom field name that you can use to sort through your library similar to how the other filters work. You can also then see the custom field in the on the fly filter tool provided you are the most current version of LaunchBox.

  3. Austin Miller reporter

    That works really well! Thank you! Is there anyway to hide certain fields when sorting by them similar to how you’re able to hide a Tag on GOG Galaxy 2.0. For example, when viewing all the Tags (like in the screenshot below), am I able to click/unclick each field so that it hides the games listed in the Progress: Ongoing field, but it keeps the title of the field showing like in GOG Galaxy?

  4. Christian

    No currently we don’t have anyway to collapse a section but leave the header visible like that.

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