Add the ability to set unique image priorities for each platform, in LB and BB

Issue #6586 resolved
Amir Amran created an issue

I want only flyer - front images to show for arcade platforms, even if the arcade games have box - 3D images.

I want only front box - 3D images to show for console platforms

For other platforms, i want to have other image priorities because their platform games are missing box - 3D/flyer - front images because lb and emovies don’t have them.


Comments (7)

  1. Christian

    In LaunchBox you can use a different image group per platform which should allow you to do what you want.

  2. Amir Amran reporter

    I tried.

    Can you give example how all the priorities listed can exist at the same time for many platforms?

  3. brian

    There are 2 ways I can think of where you can accomplish this.

    The best way would be to use one of the image groups. Go into LaunchBox Options > 3D Box Priorities, then check on any of the other image types you’d like to see within your image grid (like Advertisement Flyer - Front). LaunchBox will just keep going down the list until it finds an image to display in your image grid, when you use the 3D Boxes Image Group.

  4. Christian

    Inside of LaunchBox you don’t need all the priorities in the same group. You can have all but your console platforms use the Box - Front image group, and then use the 3D Box group for everything else.

    If wanting to use the same group I’d just use the following priority:
    Advertisement Flyer - Front, 3D Box, Box - Front

    It should give you the results you are looking for

  5. Amir Amran reporter

    Got it, thanks.

    Now i use Box - 3D image group for consoles platforms with Box - 3D as highest priority and Box - Front image group for arcade platforms with Flyer - Front as highest priority.

    Wouldn’t it make more sense to name the 9 image groups as “Image Group 1”, “Image Group 2”, etc. since its possible to use each group for whatever image priority regardless of each group title name?

  6. Christian

    No, those group names offer contextual clues for both the application and theme devs so that they can make sure the right type of image is used in situation they want them used it.

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