LaunchBox did not import all titles

Issue #6595 resolved
Hon Doe created an issue

Many titles are completly missing or did not show up under all plattforms/sources.


I have 136 GOG-Games in GOG-Galaxy - Launchbox shows only 103 - Playnite shows all 136

I have 286 Epic Games in the Epic Game Launcher - Launchbox shows 227 - GOG-Galaxy shows 243 - Playnite shows 296 (All + Addons, Language Packs, etc.)

I have 201 Amazon Games in the Amazon Launcher - Launchbox shows only 109 - Playnite shows all

I have 1.893 “owned” Steam Games - Launchbox shows me 2.295 - Playnite shows me 2.429 (included software & free games)

Some titles only appear in the search for the respective platform, but not in the overview. Other titles can only be found under another plattform (eg steam), but the icon next to it shows other platforms too. A pattern cannot be seen. Even unique titles (owned on only one plattform) are only shown via search or are missing.

I don’t think it’s an API-Problem, because most titles appears via search in LaunchBox (but are not displayed in the overview) and other projects can import and display all titles.

It is very important to me that the overview works reliably and that ALL titles are displayed, because I would like to use the good looking Launchbox for the Non-Retro-Stuff and not Playnite or GOG-Galaxy. Thanks in advance.

Comments (14)

  1. Christian

    In the View menu do you have any of the “Hide games missing ….” options checked that may be hiding your games?

  2. Hon Doe reporter

    Hi and thanks for the answer. But no, nothing ckecked there.

    When I upload my database I recognized that most Launchbox/Bigbox users organize their stuff with plattforms. So everything is under “Windows”, but I split it in sources (Amazon, GOG, Epic, Steam, Origin, etc.). Maybe that’s the problem.

    But I want to use Launchbox (like GOG-Galaxy) for the modern titles and for the classics I use a different frontend because BigBox slows down extremly when you have too much titles.

  3. Hon Doe reporter

    I want to organize the titles with LaunchBox like that:

    Here is an example of GOG-Galaxy and Playnite. So I can choose from all sources or just one (eg steam or gog).

    For some reason LaunchBox is not showing some/many titles if you organize like that, but you can find them via search function. So they are somewhere in the database, but hidden for some strange reason!

    All I expect from such a game organizer is that I can sort the games as described, that it checks automaticly for new titles and update the database on each start. If there are still further details (e.g. achievements) - perfect. Oh and the source icons (Steam, Epic, etc) next to each picture is terrible. The optional switch to “display icons via mouse hover function” (like GOG-Galaxy) would be great. I know this is the wrong place for belated Christmas wishes, but it might still be heard. 😉 😅

  4. Christian

    You can pick what platform you want for import. GOG you have to be careful since by default the games are split into two different platforms (MS-DOS and Windows) but you can select all (Ctrl-A) then right click and selected GOG as the platform and change it for all games you are importing. I will need to be able to see your data files in order to be able to determine what is occurring in your collection though because what you are describing IS possible and we have several users who have their collection set up that way already.

    Could you put your entire \\LaunchBox\Data folder in a zip and attach it to this ticket? I’ll take a look and see if I can find a reason you’re not seeing the items in question.

  5. Christian

    Oh and the source icons (Steam, Epic, etc) next to each picture is terrible. The optional switch to “display icons via mouse hover function” (like GOG-Galaxy) would be great.

    I assume you are referring the the badges used in LaunchBox? This is how we chose to implement them in our default theme but those can be themed any way you like. You will need some XAML/WPF knowledge though to alter the theme files to make it look like how you want. Members on our forums may be able to assist you with it though if you want to take a look at how to do something like that.

  6. Hon Doe reporter

    Thanks for the quick answer. I mean that the icons only appears by mouse over, like that:

    So it’s easier to get a cleaner look and move those title pictures (boxes, 3dboxes, cards, whatever) closer together. For my taste, the cover pictures are way too far apart and it was not possible to move them closer together, because space seems ALWAYS taken (like a placeholder) into account for the icons, even if they are hidden.

  7. Christian

    In regard to the icon tooltip, you MAY be able to do that via a theme, I’d have to take a look at HOW we expose that, I’m fairly confident it’s possible though

  8. Christian

    This point the data files you provided don’t at all match what you have said you’ve done. It MAY be best to start over to get things the way you want. If you want each storefront to be it’s own platform you need to be sure to change the platform in the import wizard. Right now it looks like you only did this for your XBox games and even then you attached them to Microsoft Xbox which will cause some serious scraping issues for you moving forward since you’ve told LaunchBox those games are for that console instead of a PC. Also when changing the Platform you should see a “Scrape As” drop down appear. You want to make sure you set that to “Windows” before moving forward or you won’t be able to correctly scrape metadata and media from LaunchBox Games Database or EmuMovies.

  9. Christian

    Also worth mention Amazon Games importer has a known issue in 12.6 (current version) that will be corrected in the next beta release. They upgraded their backend and we were using the older calls so weren’t getting all the data from them properly. Next beta release should correct that so I would wait until then to import any Amazon Games. Won’t hurt anything to import what you see now, Just know it will NOT be all your games.

  10. Hon Doe reporter

    I deleted the old stuff only in LaunchBox and imported everything allready. So I have to do it all again? But this time I should delete/cleanup all Data-Files. I would do only one more try, because we moved from DE to CA (North BC) 😉 that means we switched from 1 gigabit internet connection down to 2-16 Mbit/s. It takes minimum 2 or 3 nights to import everything again. Don’t know how long it takes when I leave the old grapics/artwork in the folders. I wasn’t very active for a few launchbox versions, so maybe it’s not that bad.

    Like I said, I give it another try and if it not works I have to use something else. Please don’t missunderstand - I am not lazy with those stuff. I organized all my classic stuff with attractmode (because it’s lightweight and I’ve much more controll). It was much work until everything working perfect for me, but with those modern games it’s different. With subscriptions Amazon Games (Prime), HumbleBundle Choice and then all the free games (e.g. Epic) the game industry showered us with games. In order not to lose track, we need a good game organizer that does the work for us (without setup work).

    Because I don't want to invest as much time in modern games as I do in my classics. But that’s only my opinion. I am sure you know the market better than I do. 😉

    Thanks again for the help - support is really good and fast. 👍

  11. Christian

    The import itself should only really take a few moments to download the newest metadata file (if you don’t already have it) after that it should be pretty quick. Note that you CAN run another import while LaunchBox is downloading media. You don’t have to wait for media to download before importing the next system. I personally would recommend a fresh install simply because if you import things the way you WANT to and do so successfully your media isn’t going to be in the right place anyway and LaunchBox will download the media again. I would also recommend NOT downloading the media at all in the import wizard. Run the import and make sure the games import correctly and in the right platform FIRST, and THEN if you verify that they have you can run the Download Metadata and Media wizard from the tools menu to grab what ever media you want.

    The process of importing the storefronts should be pretty seamless already. Just need to make sure you set up the platform information correctly in the import to do what you want.

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