Importing multiple systems at once

Issue #6598 new
Martijn created an issue


I would like to do a feature request. One that can save the user a lot of time when setting LB up and it will take very little effort implementing for the developers.

I am adding systems one by one now with a new setup. For every system i choose the same settings (i.e. reatroarch). It would be nice if we can add multiple directories (multiple systems) at once. You (as developers) can make one screen where you can match the directory to a system name. And maybe some settings (like chosen emulator).

Then with one settings you can import all systems. Think about it, why would a user have to imput information, then go through multiple screens and then do this again. The goal here should be, the user can upfront enter all (as much as possible) information and launchbox starts importing after that.

I do not know if you hold polls for feature requests but if you do can you add this one?


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