Add (None) to filter categories

Issue #6610 new
EveryGamePlayed created an issue


It would be nice to add a filter to each filter category so that we can find all games WITHOUT a value for a given feature.

For example, I would like to see all games that do not have a series value.

Comments (3)

  1. Retro808


    You can accomplish what you need using the “Audit” function. Each column can be ordered by value so you can easy sort the “Series” field to show un-valued games first in the audit table.

    Ticket left open to possibly include this feature in the live filters.

  2. Christian

    You can turn on a “None” in options for the sidebar. Then you select “Series” in the sidebar drop down and then select “None” which is now in that menu (should be at the top) and can do what you are wanting to do.

  3. Christian

    To set the option I mentioned go to LaunchBox > Tools > Options. Once open navigate to the Visual > Filters Side Bar page and the first 3 options are other options you can add to your side bar results to help do some of the stuff you are referring to.

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