Bigbox crashes when trying to load Windows (steam)

Issue #6618 resolved
Dan Dzubow created an issue

Could not load type 'Meta.Vlc.Wpf.VlcPlayer' from assembly 'Unbroken.LaunchBox, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.

App: Big Box
Version: 12.6
Type: System.TypeLoadException
Site: Void Dispose(Boolean)
Source: Ao.Bigbox.Themer.v3_9_2

at Ao.Bigbox.Utils.Media.MediaPlayer_VLC.Dispose(Boolean disposing)
at Ao.Bigbox.Utils.Media.MediaPlayer_VLC.Finalize()

Recent Log:

7:24:06 AM Exception

Comments (2)

  1. Dan Dzubow reporter

    Looks to be an issue with the theme I was running. Once I changed themes everything worked fine.

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