Add separate "Discarded" or "Ignored" state to the "Complete" checkbox

Issue #6619 new
Rockman Trigger created an issue

Sometimes, a game in one’s library is just not worth finishing. It’s bad, or it’s got terrible technical issues that make it frustrating to play, etc., but it’s not broken or unplayable. Currently, it’s impossible to represent this as part of the completion metadata. As far as LaunchBox is concerned, a game is either complete, or it isn’t, but if I want to pick something to play from my list of not-yet-completed games, I really don’t want to be shown games I have already played but which I have no interest in finishing.

If the “Complete” checkbox could represent more than just a binary state – if it could represent Incomplete/Complete/Discarded or something like that – it would be so much more useful. I could filter to just games I haven’t played at all, or games I’ve finished, or games I’ve chosen to ignore. And importantly, the ones I want to ignore wouldn’t pollute the list when I want to grab something new and uncharted, and the total tally for my incomplete games would accurately represent what’s actually left to try out.

This could additionally dovetail in with a few other requests, and produce a “Completeness” dimension that’s capable of representing many major states: Unplayed, In Progress, Discarded, Finished, 100% Completed, that sort of thing.

Comments (5)

  1. Retro808

    You can create this type of “Completeness” meta field. Simply use LB custom field option and generate a field for it. You can then use the custom field to filter by, sort by, as well as create a playlist from.

    To do so just right click any game and edit. You will see the custom field section. Once created the filed also becomes available in bulk edit options.

  2. Rockman Trigger reporter

    I am aware of custom dimensions, yes. I’ve used them extensively. But I’d like to not have two different kinds of “Complete” in my metadata just because the built-in checkbox isn’t very flexible. It’s not as if there’s an option to remove the existing “Complete” dimension from the sidebar if I want to make a superior replacement. Having LaunchBox natively handle this is preferable, since it already goes partway toward the desired goal. (I’m also not the only person who’s pointed out that a simple yes-or-no state just isn’t sufficient.)

  3. Retro808

    I understand. That is why I left the ticket open.

    Just wanted to be sure you knew there was a way to accomplish this as I am confident your exact request may take quite some time to reach a point it gets implemented. Not very many prior requests for this type of update.

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