"Gatekeeping" playlists/categories: allow note display when attempting to launch games added to certain categories/playlists:

Issue #6632 new
EazyCheeze1978 created an issue

Got an interesting one here, I think.

With the advent (for years now, in fairness, but there are now QUITE a few of them that people might have) of officially-sold classic game collections, users may wish to attempt to funnel their play into those official collections instead of the standalone affairs offered by the emulators, as launched by LaunchBox.

This would be so the user would keep their stats, achievements etc. on the same platform all the time, or at least make the best effort to do so.

So, I suggest allowing a check box in the Edit Platform/Category/Playlist dialog perhaps called “Show a note when launching games from this list,” and a text field which is enabled when the box is checked, allowing entry of said note which will be displayed within a non-modal triple-button dialog, allowing to continue to launch through LaunchBox, to launch a defined application such as a collection, or to cancel, optionally letting us check a further box within that dialog which will add one to the play count of the selected game, if we choose to external-launch or to cancel.

If a game happens to be added to two or more such-affected lists, a priority of notes to be displayed can be set within the Edit… dialog. Perhaps text can be altered subtly to reflect the priority - “Important reminder about this game:”,”Less-important reminder:” etc. Perhaps environment variables can be said as in “%game% on %platform% is a part of %playlist_name%. Do you still wish to launch the game here, or to launch its external collection, %collection_name%?”

Going back to the subject of external-launching: Of course if one has or can have the collection installed on the computer, one would be able to somehow set the executable of the collection, so that the game can be launched from the reminder dialog. Otherwise, the reminder would just be for the game as it exists on another platform unrelated to the computer.

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